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chiu hang mei mary grace

Chiu Hang Mei Mary Grace, being the winner of the Young Architects’ Award in year 2008, was also named one of the 40 outstanding design professionals under the age of 40 by Perspective Journal in 2009. She have been invited by the Hong Kong Institute of Architects as the juror for the HKIA Annual Awards 2011.


Chiu’s works is not just limited to architecture and interior. She is also a published author of an illustration book titled “Flying Slowly in Tibet” which later received the “First Greater China Illustration Awards”. She was invited as the “changemaker” to deliver speeches to motivate the young generation from different countries in an annual forum “Make A Difference” at Kwai Chung Theatre.

Chiu was an Assistant Professor of the University of Hong Kong teaching architectural design studio.

c o c o o n   a r c h i t e c t u r e is a progressive architectural practice based in Hong Kong. Like cocoon incubates to become butterfly, the firm aims to incubate the client’s ideas and delivers them into an architecture that fits.


The practice works on residential, cultural and commercial projects, providing full professional consultancy services in architecture, master planning and interior design services.


The design team has won numerous international awards including: Winner of the Young Architects’ Award; 40 Under 40 Award; “Perspective Award”, etc. The projects had been exhibited at Hong Kong Art Center, DeTour and others places in Hong Kong and China.


The co-founder of the firm, Chiu Hang Mei Mary Grace & Yung Chung Kwong, has been the Assistant Professor in the University of Hong Kong teaching architectural design studio. They have also been actively involving in academic and community activities and has been invited as juror, interviewer, speaker, guest critics and registration committee for various professional institutes and government authorities. 

Partners and Collaboarators

T : 2352 0686 

F : 2352 2638

A : s604, block a, pmq, 35 aberdeen street, central

© 2010   by   c o c o o n   a r c h i t e c t u r e

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